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微软's Andy Beach Talks Streaming 和 the Metaverse

虚拟和沉浸式环境中的流媒体如何以独特的实验性方式推动故事叙述? 安迪海滩, 微软 首席技术官, 媒体 & 娱乐, chats with 蒂姆Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation, Contributor Editor, 流媒体 谈到了他在微软的新角色,以及虚拟世界将如何改变用户体验叙事娱乐的方式.

“I’m delighted to be here with 安迪海滩, who I’ve probably known for about 20 years now,西格林说.

“实际上,大约一年前,我在微软开始了一份新工作,”比奇说. “I've been there 10 years now, which is insane to believe. I never imagined I was going to be there that long. I joined on a contract gig to help Xbox 启动媒体应用, 后来我变成了一个全职的角色,负责管理专门从事媒体工作的工程团队. 现在我是我们媒体和娱乐行业的首席技术官. I'm responsible for our technical strategy. 我与世界各地的合作伙伴和客户在媒体基础设施解决方案上密切合作, new ways of delivering streaming, new engagement opportunities, 全色域. And it just keeps growing. 我们收购了 X和r 今年早些时候, 现在的部分工作是我们如何将他们作为第一方服务所做的事情与我们已经建立的独立软件供应商(isv)联系起来. 所以有很多事情要做.”

Siglin讲话, “One of the fascinating things that I heard yesterday, 在你的演讲和其中一个主题演讲中都谈到了将多边形世界与视频和音频世界拼接在一起. And it's funny to me because I worked with 不真实的团结 和 所有 those kinds of things 15 years ago in the gaming space, 但似乎这些东西现在更相关,因为我们正在进入一些新的媒体交付.”

“Yeah, tot所有y,” Beach says. “我的意思是, 有很多方法可以使用数据来传送常规的流媒体视频, 当你进入一个虚拟的环境,在那里你提供某种形式的视频娱乐,或者仅仅是娱乐, 期. 能够获取所有可能在其中互动的参与者的知识, if it's sort of a multi viewer session…something like live sports, 从游戏中获取遥测数据,并将其应用于视频之外的某些图像,这样你几乎可以获得增强视图, almost a top down view of what’s going on. 所有这些都发挥了作用,在虚拟环境中有更多的能力来观察人们特别关注的地方, which helps you drive the storytelling in a different way, so I think we're right on that cusp of re所有y a whole new form. 我知道人们一直在这么说,而且还会继续这么说, but what I think is coming is a lot more visible...显而易见的实验,顾客可以自己去尝试和测试,直到我们找到人们最感兴趣的, 这产生了共鸣.”

Beach进一步阐述了为所有类型的用户创造沉浸式体验所面临的具体挑战. 他说:“我不认为这将是一种适合所有人的传统电视观看体验。. “这仍然会存在……现在的部分挑战是,我认为我们仍然过于关注‘沉浸式环境是什么样的’?“我们还没有更详细地考虑那些不想要这种经历的人, or for accessibility reasons. 那么,我们如何从虚拟环境中提取出一部分经验,回到现实世界呢? So they can participate as well. And when we figure that out, 对我来说,那是真正的虚拟世界,因为那是混合虚拟的本质.”

Siglin也认为需要一种全新的方式来主持和呈现沉浸式娱乐. “We've done a re所有y good job of mimicking broadcast TV, but that's 所有 we've done,” he says. “沉浸式模型的思考方式远远超出了这一点, what are things that a linear solution can't do? 这里有一个问题要问你:似乎整个行业都在意识到,我们不一定需要在实时流媒体上争抢底线, at ‘500 milliseconds,’ if it compromises synchronization to other elements. 所以看起来我们正朝着“让我们找到一个最佳点,并同意我们可以同步”的方向发展.我认为这在沉浸式环境中也非常重要.”

“Absolutely,” Beach says. “尤其是当人们在观看内容时,可能会相互交流的时候, then they're viewing synchronized content. So you're re所有y dealing with a lot of different interaction overlaps, you still need that to be barely low latency, 但是你是对的. There is a sweet spot. 我要说的是,人们对低延迟的渴望和需求仍然存在, but it won't be used everywhere. It'll be specialized scenarios where it's absolutely needed. So we're not done with it by any stretch. I think we're continu所有y going to see people pushing, but they're pushing it in the right areas now, which is for specific use cases, not just everywhere.”

“Right, good,西格林说. “Andy, always interesting to talk to you, 10 years at 微软! 哇. That is hard to believe. Congratulations on the…what is that? That's not the diamond anniversary, it's some anniversary…”

“Maybe,” Beach says. “If they give me a diamond, I’ll happily take it!”

Learn more about VR, AR, the metaverse at 流媒体 East 2023.

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