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他第一次涉足这个领域是在, 作为一个活动推广人, he produced a webcast with Netscape and the Ministry of Sound in October 1996. 从那时起,已经制作了数千个网络广播, been involved in a number of streaming start-ups and provided consultancy for a wide number of broadcasters and telcos.

He has Professed as a 流媒体 Consultant and Pioneer and Webcaster since the end of 1996. 他曾为许多最大的网络直播客户工作过, service providers and technology providers in the sector and considers himself to be at the forefront of the 流媒体 industry. 客户包括路透社, BT, 英国议会, 唐宁街10号, 欧洲通信卫星公司, 英国天空广播公司, BBC和无数其他公司.

Over the years he has worked with a number of ventures spanning all layers of the vertical markets around streaming, 从电信和路由, 通过CDN, 服务, 管理, 集成, 前端, ASIC, 机顶盒, 数字版权管理, 付款, 广告, 生产, 编辑和开发.


他的公司, id3as, is a boutique technology consulting and development group specialising in Internet Video and Audio delivery.

Significantly the company currently delivers the back-end platforms for a variety of blue chip clients, 包括汤森路透市场报告视频和音频工作流, and also  what will soon be launched as the Digital Service Platform for the domestic Digital Television broadcast networks in the UK.

id3as also works as an angel finance provider and has also made a number of smaller investments, both financial and 'sweat equity' based (from it's own skills and resources) into several smaller startups in and around the IT space, 包括可穿戴技术, 显示技术, 内容传送网络,电信和音频处理.

高度专业化和敏捷的方法, the company brings all the skills of its team to a diverse range of projects. The founders' backgrounds include 20 years of pioneering in Software Development, 金融服务, 广播和流媒体. 

id3as has all the right experience to bring its event focussed expertise in the webcasting and online video streaming sector.

从2004年到2008年,他担任创始人和首席技术官, and then from 2008 until 2010 he was Chief Executive Officer at Global-MIX (a UK CDN specializing in Multicast and Live content delivery on the Internet), 带着它去赢 StreamingMediaGlobal.com “欧洲最佳递送网络”读者选择奖, 在经历了一个非常艰难的交易年之后,他自愿关闭了公司.

他被加到 StreamingMediaGlobal.com2009年担任欧洲会议“顾问委员会”主席.

He speaks and and writes on streaming media technology for Broadcast Engineering, ISP世界和流媒体, 百家乐软件app最新版下载和其他信息今日出版物. 他策划了欧洲内容交付峰会, 以及视频基础设施峰会, 并主持了CDN世界论坛.

He provides 'front-line' streaming journalism for StreamingMedia and Broadcast Engineering from his European based professional life, 为几家出版社写过文章吗, and speaks at several global conferences focussing on Internet Video and Audio infrastructures. On occasion he still produces live events and is continually working with many clients on infrastructure architectures and technology innovations providing specialised solutions into the space. He is mad about streaming - particularly 在线直播—and also enjoys evangelizing about it—he wants nothing more than people to take a deep interest in the industry and, 最重要的是, 享受并受益于流媒体产品和服务.

请通过电子邮件给他留言(无论好坏)。dom@walletyer.com or dom@id3as.co.uk ), on the comments with the 文章 or on the advanced list (where he spends a little too much time to be healthy!)

(查看他所有作品的完整“曲目列表” 点击这里 浏览StreamingMedia全球作者页面.)



流媒体's Tim Siglin sits down with Greening of Streaming Founder Dom罗宾逊 to discuss streaming sustainability and the LESS Accord in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

Preserving Our Intergenerational Legacy (or 流媒体's Feet of Clay)

考虑流媒体, 文件传输, or even leaving the long tail simply unused and archived as the storage media changes around it over years, there's much to think about for anyone wanting to leave a video as an intergenerational legacy.

id3as' Dom罗宾逊 and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin Talk Greening of Streaming

id3as' Dom罗宾逊 and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin discuss the latest Greening of Streaming developments--including taking the conservation case to Parliament--in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.


"Sustainability" is perhaps the most important buzzword in the streaming industry, but most current efforts to define "green" or "net zero" streaming miss the target.


We'll see even more of the innovation—both technical and cultural—that we've seen over the past year, 但要对Web3持健康的怀疑态度,以缓和你的兴奋.


A look at any conference program—including our own—makes it clear: It's long past time for the streaming media industry to take the gender imbalance seriously, 找出并解决根本问题,而不仅仅是表面现象.


From an article in 流媒体 a year ago has grown a brand-new organization devoted to meeting the sustainability challenge in the streaming industry.


感谢ttconv, 一个新的格式转换器, 在视频中添加定时文本正变得越来越简单和高效, 脸谱网已经在接受它了


想要在线播放音乐? 准备好应对错综复杂的许可规定. 以下是流媒体音乐授权的概述, 还有一些场景来帮助你弄清楚你需要做什么.


5G holds promise for smart cities, smart vehicles, and industrial automation. 用于视频流? 没有那么多.


The time has long since passed to turn our attention to making the streaming delivery ecosystem more environmentally friendly. Here are some of the key challenges, as well as some suggested first steps towards solutions.


Content Delivery Summit Chair Dom罗宾逊 previews Content Delivery Summit 2020, CDN的主要会议, 边缘交付, 分布式计算, 哪个流媒体将在6月1日举办免费的全天网络研讨会.


The online video industry has yet to reckon with the energy demands and environmental impact of what we do. It's time to start the discussion and work towards the greening of streaming.


由于新冠肺炎疫情,世界各地的会议被取消或推迟, 是时候仔细研究一下虚拟活动平台了. 你可能会惊讶于它们的沉浸感.


The event brings together all the players in the content delivery sector—from power and interconnect to quality of service and edge compute—in the only conference of its kind. 如果你对演讲感兴趣,请继续往下读.

Disney, CBS, Akamai, Microsoft and More Speaking at Content Delivery Summit

This year's event next week features presentations and fireside chats from leading players in the world of content delivery, from the CDNs themselves to the broadcasters and content owners that use them.


Can the internet keep up with the ballooning demands video is placing on it? 规划者如何在保持低成本的同时实现增长? The correct answers are not always the obvious ones in this hall of mirrors.


当在线视频只有邮票大小的时候, 音频公司正在改变世界收听广播的方式. 以下是RealNetworks和其他先驱的回忆.


Can you believe it's been a quarter of a century since the first internet radio broadcast? 在由两部分组成的系列文章的第一部分中, 我们采访了一些开创革命的开拓者.


微服务架构是OTT服务发展的核心, 但它们被广泛误解了. 这是对主要参与者的介绍.


以以前的DIY文章为基础, 本文将引导您完成音频捕获, 用FFmpeg编码和包装, 然后通过您在上一篇文章中设置的Icecast服务器播放


在这里,我们的常驻怪人张开了他的嘴, 释放斜体, 并开始讨论关于剪线体验的问题, 为什么行业权威人士在延迟问题上撒谎, 广告有什么问题(提示:一切)

DIY: Icecast互联网广播服务器

在我们自己动手系列的最新一期中, 我们将了解如何在AWS云实例上设置Icecast服务器.


对于我们自己动手系列的第二部分, we look at how to set up a very basic audio stream between two computers on the same LAN. 虽然编码很简单, the concepts underneath are crucial to an understanding of how streaming works.


想要流媒体到YouTube, 脸谱网, 和抽搐, but don't need a commercial streaming service and don't mind doing a bit of coding? 继续读下去!


听到来自天空的扬声器, BT, 和CenturyLink讨论了各自组织采用OTT技术的方法, 包括虚拟化, 集装箱运输, 微服务, 和编码, as well as their overarching strategies for reaching multiple devices and audiences.

评论:这不是AV1 vs. HEVC

With Apple joining the Alliance for Open Media, there's been a lot of talk about AV1 vs. HEVC. 但我们不再生活在非此即彼的世界, and can now give viewers what they want with minimal cost and effort compared to years gone by.


相对于其他音频格式质量更好的Betamax, MP3可能是VHS, 但它会留在这里, 尤其是现在这种格式是免版税的.


在上周的内容交付峰会上, Dan Rayburn presented his annual survey of pricing and trends in the industry. 每gb的价格下降了, 但发布商 are making up for the drop with increased efficiencies and value-added services


Sites and services that went down when an Amazon Web Services region failed shouldn't blame Amazon. 他们应该责怪自己糟糕的云基础架构.

评测:DJI Inspire 2搭载Zenmuse X5S相机

大疆Inspire 2为无人机树立了新的标杆, Zenmuse X5S相机与价格高得多的机型不相上下. 这对直播来说可能有点过分了, 而是结合了无人机和大疆的万向架, 物有所值.


我们已经从专用硬件转向虚拟化设备, but a new approach to service velocity promises even faster ways to spin up new OTT services and bring them to market


多播并不新鲜, 但发布商, 运营商, and content publishers have finally caught up to the possibilities it offers for increased scale and decreased costs.


具有软件定义网络和网络功能虚拟化, the SaaS providers of today may soon find themselves adapting to more robust virtualization solutions. 下面是解释如何和为什么的入门教程.


准备好用机载摄像机鸟瞰了? Here is a list of drone dos and don'ts from an experienced aerial videographer.


CDN-hunters, read this first for an explanation of the basic key performance indicators to explore in order to make the right choice for any size company.


Cellmux技术现在是许多视频操作的重要组成部分, 但连接并不总是可靠的. 以下是如何确保强大的正常运行时间和吞吐量.

Mushroom Networks’ Streamer Powers an Industry-First Live Video Broadcast using iOS Devices

Live broadcast from Cine Gear Expo used iPads as sources for both live and pre-produced content, 所有的交换现场和交付使用蘑菇网络Streamer 8000


“OTT”一词用于多种类型的视频传输. Here are the different OTT workflow models, and the various ways they bring videos to viewers.


cdn已今非昔比. Here's what you need to know as you select one (or more) to deliver your content.


不管你叫它回程还是贡献馈送, getting a signal to a studio or CDN is a key step in the streaming delivery chain. 让我们来看看这些选项.


手机通信供应商的世界正在扩大, but a careful needs assessment can lead you to the right solution for your company.


How one late-night brainstorming session turned into a more efficient workflow with tremendous cost savings.


忘掉那些性感的外形因素,看看技术的深处吧. 以下是购买手机前要问的三个问题.


所有的cdn都去哪儿了? 没有一个最杰出的cdn愿意再被认为是cdn. 这对买家或整个行业意味着什么?

可靠的UDP (RUDP):下一个大的流协议?

新的所谓可靠的UDP解决方案提供了TCP的替代方案. 但它们值得花时间和金钱去实施吗?


ACTA和SOPA可能已经死了, but proposed changes to the Internet Telecommunications Regulation pose an even bigger threat to a free and open internet


No one said choosing a CDN is easy, so here's a guide to the decision-making process. 不要错过我们的大型CDN流程图.


What to look for in cellular multiplexing devices -- perhaps the fastest growing streaming technology.


在去年的欧洲内容交付峰会上, 大家对探索CDN联合模型非常感兴趣. 进一步的调查, 然而, reveals that the notion was more down to marketing and sales than engineering


这是“蜂窝多路复用器”领域的又一个新进入者, Teradek债券提供可靠, 通过蜂窝网络以合理的价格提供高质量的流媒体服务


科技精英们第一天就在谈论社交网络, 生物技术, 甚至是3D打印, 但不是视频. Perhaps the online video industry has gotten so good that the influencers haven't noticed how much they've been influenced?


脸.Com的面部识别技术既令人惊叹又令人恐惧. 准备好拍特写了吗?

iOS 5和iCloud都很棒,但视频呢?

iCloud is more than just Apple's entry into the world of cloud computing; it essentially means Apple is acting as a CDN. 但如果这个功能要扩展到流媒体视频传输, 它将以苹果还没有准备好的方式给网络带来压力.


YouTube's European engineering director Oliver Heckmann will keynote 流媒体欧洲 in London in October, 他让我们预览了一下他的幕后演讲


尽管它的名字一点也不性感, LiveU LU40i提供了非常令人兴奋的新功能, 包括丰富的第二层接口阵列

Mushroom Networks' Portable Streamer Sends Any Video Source To a Content Delivery Network

不像其他所谓的“蜂窝多路复用器”," the Streamer takes a video feed via Ethernet and sends to the CDN of your choice

便携式蜂窝/Wi-Fi视频广播单元回顾:IBIS DMNG

AVIWEST的IBIS DMNG是最新最好的便携设备, 蜂窝/Wi-Fi视频广播单元, 这对一个不断发展的领域来说是一个极好的补充


专家们抨击谷歌放弃H.在Chrome浏览器中支持WebM,支持264. 但是如果全h.264世界并不像人们说的那样美好?

Rackspace Teams With Akamai; Could Be Good 新闻 for Limelight

Rackspace上周宣布将与Akamai合作, 有报道称,该公司正在逐步结束与Limelight的合作关系. 这说不通, unless there's more behind-the-scenes deal-making going on here than meets the eye.


The controversy over British Telecom's new pricing scheme goes to show that the "Net Neutrality" debate might be the most ridiculous thing since the "Millennium Bug"


现在,视频传输的成本已经降到最低, 是时候停止在视频的每一个字节上寻找直接的投资回报率了, 一种新的分析方法应运而生


With Apple's AirPlay, users can "fling" content from their iDevices to their Apple TVs. 但是如果, 而不是从移动设备流式传输内容, 观众可以把它“弹”到他们的电视上, which will then pick up the content and take over the streaming directly from the source?

Blue Coat优化企业网络视频

Dot-com boom and bust survivor Blue Coat Systems has expanded and enhanced its support for streaming video with its latest ProxySG line of products


在线视频堆栈中曾经清晰的部分正在变得模糊, 不同的玩家上下移动


投资将帮助这家在线视频平台走出美国市场.S. 从欧洲到亚洲的投资,使Ooyala的总投资达到4200万美元


The debates over net neutrality show a misunderstanding of fundamental characteristics of how traffic moves on the internet.


Silverlight和Flash都有未来, but publishers should be considering HTML5 as a way to step away from vendor lock-in and the player and plug-in wars.


The IPTV World Forum in London was awash with set-top box and middleware manufacturers in a fool's gold rush for a market that doesn't exist.




老大哥可能在监视... Dom罗宾逊 kicks off a 12-part guide to everything streaming with the past, 数字版权管理的现在和未来.